Corporate Accidental Counsellor Training - Ripple Learning

Accidental Counsellor Training

Supporting safe conversations

When a colleague is upset, overwhelmed or distressed, it can be difficult to know what to do.

Accidental Counsellor corporate training shows employees how to have a conversation that is safe for them and the person they are helping. Your teams will learn how to listen deeply, maintain appropriate boundaries, and empower people to find a way forward.

These skills are vital for dealing with colleagues and clients, or for managers helping their staff.

What your employees will learn in this Accidental Counsellor corporate training:

  • How your brain and body respond to stress/distress and the impact that it has on your capacity for rational problem-solving in the moment
  • When and how to start the conversation and how to engage empathetically while maintaining your own emotional safety
  • What the vulnerable person needs from you to be able to talk safely about what is going on for them
  • Learn how to listen deeply
  • What can get in the road of ensuring a vulnerable person feels deeply heard
  • How questioning techniques can be used to empower the vulnerable person and wrap up an emotional conversation respectfully
  • How to respond appropriately to threats of self-harm and facilitate appropriate referrals to ongoing support
  • Strategies to maintain appropriate boundaries and ensure self-care.

Choose what works for you

You can choose from one of the following workshop lengths.
  1. One Hour - Typically introduces the key concepts and provides an overview of the LEARN to listen model of deep listening. It is a popular option for a 'lunch and learn' session or evening webinar.
  2. Half Day - Typically covers all content areas, includes a demonstration of skills and provides space for half an hour of skills practice or small group discussion.
  3. Full Day - After covering all content, the focus is on building confidence in the execution of skills - taking your team on a journey through the stages of the adult learning cycle; from unconscious incompetence, through conscious incompetence to conscious competence through participation in lots of role-play practice.
  4. Further coached role-play sessions (ratio of 1:1, 1:2 or 1:3) can be arranged for staff members who need to be able to take their skills to the stage where they can competently handle any situation without having to think consciously about what they're doing.

Ready to support your accidental counsellors?