Corporate Negotiating Skills Training - Ripple Learning

Negotiation Skills Training

Gain confidence in negotiating

We negotiate all day, every day, with clients, colleagues and even with family members, but we often do it instinctively without managing the outcome.
Developing negotiation skills can help build and maintain strong workplace relationships, deliver long-term solutions and avoid conflict.
Learn how to successfully prepare, engage in and follow up negotiations in the workplace with our face-to-face negotiation skills workshop.

What your employees will learn in this negotiation skills CORPORATE training:

  • the natural tension between value creation and value distribution that is inherent in any negotiation
  • the dimensions of any dispute (Interests, Rights and Power)
  • the key principles that typically guide human behaviour when negotiating
  • the key stages of any negotiation
  • the way personality, preferences and culture may impact on negotiation style
  • the range of negotiation strategies available and how to select your preferred strategy for the context
  • the possible impact of emotions on negotiation
  • the range of negotiation tactics that can be used and possible responses to mitigate the impact of these tactics
  • the range of ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) strategies available when it is not possible to resolve a dispute and litigation is being considered
  • the importance of a focus on review and debriefing following each negotiation.

Choose what works for you

You can choose from one of the following workshop lengths.
  1. Half Day - Typically covers all content areas, includes a demonstration of skills and provides space for half an hour of skills practice or small group discussion.
  2. Full Day - After covering all content, the focus is on building confidence in the execution of skills - taking your team on a journey through the stages of the adult learning cycle; from unconscious incompetence, through conscious incompetence to conscious competence through participation in lots of role-play practice.

Ready to improve the negotiation skills of your team?

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